For Laura's bouquet we used Vermeer two tone calla lilies, white calla lilies, ivory Akito roses, lilac freesia and a little bear grass. The bouquet was hand tied with a slight shower of white calla lilies and bear grass.
The Bridesmaids carried hand tied bouquets of ivory gerbera, ivory Akito roses and lilac freesia. The flower girls carried wands of Vermeer calla lilies with ivory ribbons.
Marc and his Best Man wore a buttonhole of a Vermeer calla lily with foliage and the rest of the Bridal Party wore ivory gerbera buttonholes with foliage.
The church pews were dressed with ivory gerbera pew ends with ivory bows and above the door of the church I provided and arrangement of ivory gerbera and fantastic purple hydrangea.
Laura had chosen goldfish bowl arrangements for the barn using Vermeer two tone calla lilies, white calla lilies and bear grass. These were placed on a mirror plate with tea lights.
I dressed the staircase with purple organza bows and ivy trails.
The chairs were dressed with purple organza bows to tie in the theme. The patio tables outside the barn were dressed with terracotta pots each holding a purple hydrangea.
Two of the table centres were placed in the ceremony room and were moved into the barn after the ceremony.